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This is “Waiting For Tomorrow,” the 12th and final release in the Wabi Sabi Series, a monthly drip of sketches, demo tracks, and short clips celebrating imperfection and impermanence. Wabi Sabi 12 | Waiting For Tomorrow by Thunderpaw We have reached the end of the Wabi Sabi series. It’s time …

This is “The Ripples,” the 11th release in the Wabi Sabi Series, a monthly drip of sketches, demo tracks, and short clips celebrating imperfection and impermanence. There is everything and nothing to say this month. It was a long one. The ripples circle round. We have a special guest vocalist …

Wabi Sabi 10 | The Fire Burns

This is “The Fire Burns,” the tenth release in the Wabi Sabi Series, a monthly drip of sketches, demo tracks, and short clips celebrating imperfection and impermanence. In the dark of the winter, the fire burns… Wabi Sabi 10: The Fire Burns by Thunderpaw Lock in on your favorite feeder …

Wabi Sabi 09 | Love

This is “Love,” the ninth release in the Wabi Sabi Series, a monthly drip of sketches, demo tracks, and short clips celebrating imperfection and impermanence. 2020 has come to and end. What was supposed to be something to kill some time while we waited for the storm to pass has …

This is “Blood of the Unicorn,” the eighth release in the Wabi Sabi Series, a monthly drip of sketches, demo tracks, and short clips celebrating imperfection and impermanence. It was said that since last month was macro sociological, this month should be micro sociological. So here we are, looking at …

Wabi Sabi 07 | Paper Tigers

This is “Paper Tigers,” the seventh release in the Wabi Sabi Series, a monthly drip of sketches, demo tracks, and short clips celebrating imperfection and impermanence. This month finds us searching for the American Dream. Vote! Wabi Sabi 07 | Paper Tigers by Thunderpaw Lock in on your favorite feeder …

This is “No Glory In War,” the sixth release in the Wabi Sabi Series, a monthly drip of sketches, demo tracks, and short clips celebrating imperfection and impermanence. We have been at this for 1/2 a year. It’s shocking when you think back to April when we thought this would …

This is “Children of the Sun,” the fifth release in the Wabi Sabi Series, a monthly drip of sketches, demo tracks, and short clips celebrating imperfection and impermanence. We have been at this quarantine business for 5 months now, it doesn’t feel so much a quarantine than just another twisted …

This is “Waiting for Salvation,” the forth release in the Wabi Sabi Series, a monthly drip of sketches, demo tracks, and short clips celebrating imperfection and impermanence. It’s month four of quarantine. For the last few weeks, I’m adopting the theme of creation to offset pool of pensive entropy. Sitting …

This is “You Can Run, But You’ll Only Die Tired,” the third release in the Wabi Sabi Series, a monthly drip of sketches, demo tracks, and short clips celebrating imperfection and impermanence. Started the week enfused by the news and sights set on writing around an anti-war theme. Then I …