Conceived, written, and written during 12 months of lock-down, the Wabi Sabi series is a collection of more than 50 sketches, demos, and sonic shorts celebrating imperfection and impermanence.
The idea of Wabi Sabi as the series theme was appealing because the idea of embracing the impermanent and imperfect seemed to fit the moment in time. Since perfection doesn’t exist, we could simply focus on the emotional energy and intention in the music, letting it exist in as raw and honest a form as possible.
Special Thanks To:
Contributors: Kenny Pirog, Andrew Labens, Gianma Conti, Rob Myers, Joe Herrera, Emily Rainey, Rick Irby, Joseph Lally, Jerry Busher, Fede Aubele, Eric Hilton, Peter Cho, and more.
Written by: Rob “Sunwolf” Tifford & Friends
Mastering: Jeremy Lubsey at, Vlado Meller Mastering
Cover Art & Design: DayshaBase