
Wabi Sabi 04 | Waiting for Salvation

This is “Waiting for Salvation,” the forth release in the Wabi Sabi Series, a monthly drip of sketches, demo tracks, and short clips celebrating imperfection and impermanence.

It’s month four of quarantine. For the last few weeks, I’m adopting the theme of creation to offset pool of pensive entropy. Sitting around and waiting for salvation hasn’t worked out, so suppose we’ll just manifest something new with 4 sketches and Thunderpaw’s first cover of Joe Lally’s Sons and Daughters.

If you’re still with us, throw on some headphones and go build something out of the stagnation. Once you’re done, let it bloom. Check in on friends, especially the solitary wolves. Don’t let them howl alone this season.

Lock in on your favorite feeder for a regular drip of new material each month for the next year. Music is a weapon. Art is contagious. We are Thunderpaw.

Picture of Thunderpaw


Experimental psychedelic dream rock based out of Washington, DC. Music is a Weapon. Thunderpaw Rocks.